Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ex's and Oh's ...

So today i once again left for the trek to school in tears, i dont know what it is. I have always loved school but this place is like a dungeon, it's so lonely and i don't know like anyyyone as a commuter and i just feel so far from USC. wellll anyway on the way driving in my hysterics and being distracted i bumpedd a car from behind!!!!!!! ooooopssss i have NEVER gotten into an accident buttt her car was absolutely undamaged and so was minee so that was the start of the day booooooo. bad way to get it started.Then afterr psych and philosophy i went to see the psychiatrist whomm i like BUT she mentioned my weight gain and although she was like "it's so good you are at a higher weight than the last time you left treatment," i took it as omggg now you're fatterrr grosssss! soo needless to sayy i cried and cried and cried and went home and cried some more. I almost listened to the Ed voice and refused lunch BUT then a litttle beep beep beep beep beep (haha like the song) came from my phone and it was my ex boyfriend. While the word "ex"sounds bad we dated for a while in highschool on and off on and off on and off but we have always remained BEST friends like i absolutely tell him everything andd he knew i was having a bad day being body conscious and he said

"when i first met you and when we dated (I was healthy) you had the best body ever and i know its hard for you to see that again but you looked amazingg then and once you realize that you'll feel a lot better. I know its tough but your strong and you can do it, i promise you, will be alot happier."

Now background on him he is SUCH a boy he has four brothers and sometimes he's not so in touch with his emotions so his encouragement jumpstarted me right back on track and even made me tear up.(happy tears this time) We have this relationship where we live far away from eachother now with college but we kinda feel like we will end up with eachother and sooo at the end of our text messages he said "you know one day it will happen with us." That really melted my heart as cheeseyy as it sounds i dont know about the rest of you ladies with Ed but i have some SERIOUS intimacy issues and he leapt over my intimacy boundary and really got to me, he was also plastered able to put a smile on my face for the rest of the day...ohhh boyss boyss boyss


  1. Wow he sounds really cool and supportive. Keep him around ;)
    Miss youuuuu!

  2. You should maybe look into groups on campus that interest you, its a great way to meet people that have similar interests to you. Thats how I got to know all my 'school' friends. That boy sounds great, its nice that he is so supportive and that you still are able to be so open with each other. Glad he was able to cheer you up!

  3. I agree with Lex, you should def keep him around :) I am sorry going to school is so difficult for you. Love and miss you
