Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Madness

Soooo sorry I haven't kept up with the postdizzzzles but I have been swamped with work and school. To be honest I have been feeling really blahh lately. I have been following my meal plan but my mood has just been really, i dont have words to describe it, just blahh. I feel like there is nothing exciting going on and i feel like i am just at a standstill. I HATE HATE HATE school, i miss USC SOSOSO much and i feel obsessive over exercising lately. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that since leaving residential i have been off my meds b/c my psychiatrist doesnt have an appointment until March...BUT on a positive note i got a call today that there is a cancellation monday morning so i am finally going and i have an excuse to skip philosophy YAY! I feel like this week being NEDAW weeek and all i need to start challenging myself with new foods and recipes...any suggestions? I need to spice up my dull life..oh yeah and if someone just happens to know a nice tall dark and handsome boy to send me that would be cool toooo. haaa jk but as a sidenote my ex boyfriend (who is really caring and understanding) keeps texting me and he is coming home next weekend but it SO weird because he has a g/f and it makes me feel really gross that im being treated like the other girl so i have NO intention of seeing him. GIRL POWERRRR had to throw a little spice girl throwback in there. But anywayy the exciting part of my week was seeing some old friends who came into my work tonight that was cute so the end of my long daunting work night was happy...anyway onto the good stuff .... the FOOOOD! i'm a space cadet and forgot to charge the camera so im gunna google some delicious pics so that ya'lllll get the idea of the deliciousness i consumed today.

Breakfast: The usualll ALL BRAN (shout out to Lexi) w/ banannnnner, o'soy yogurt, soy milk, and a lucious anjouuu YUMMMY ohh and obvi a HUGE cup of JAVA

Snackstar: wheat thins, swiss cheesummss and apple sauce

Lunch: Good ol' fashion PB&J with honeyycrisp slices and soy milk...

Snackyy 2: Clif Z bar (choco chippp) and an orange

Dinner: Turkeyy, baked taterrr with lowfat Sourcream and zucchini

Dessert: cinnamon raisin english muffin with peanut butter with a nannner
off to watch a little Wife Swap (my guiltyy pleasure) and then catching some zZzZZZzzZ's goonight blogging beauties! <3


  1. I know how that "blah" feeling can be. But keep up with your meal plan, it actually WILL help! Food = energy = happiness. Thanks for the shout girl, and aren't Z bars fucking amazing!? I love them. Ah. Okay, I have class right now - 730 am, terrible. But have a GREAT day. Keep up the good work and remember that it is ok to let your body relax! Stay strong,

  2. Okay well I guess I am going to have to join the party and try a Z bar!

    I understand the blah feeling- its a frustrating one. But keep on truckin and it will pass. I am sorry school sucks so much for you right now but just remember that it is only temporary and you will be back at USC before you know it. Love you so so so much
