Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pikchaaa Time

Breakkkyy: The Usuallll All Bran with a sliced nanner
Stonyfield Blueberry Yogieee with sliced
Almonds, juicyy anjou and ice cold Soy Milk

Snacksterr: Banana, Almond Buttahhh and

A Health Valley Blueberrrryy Bar

A bunch of the Kappa Kappa Gamma lovelies!

Me and Mark pre-KKG function :)

KKG girlsss at Tacky X-Mas Sweater Party! (ooohh is that a beer??)

Me and Madd before football game (GOOO Gamecocks!)

Me and my KKG loveliesss!

Well Jenny inspired me to take a look at my past pics to give myself a little dose of motivation. I'm mostly looking at pics from USC and memories with my friends and sorority sisters. While I was mid-eating disorder in these pictures it shows me what state of health I was in and how I don't EVER want to go back to that; but most of all these pics show the really good times i had at school and how I need to remain on the track of recovery and getting healthy so that i can go back to South Carolina and realllyyyy realllyy live life to the fullesttt and have somee fun (what a smack in the face to Ed). YAY! enjoyyy the walk down memory lane!! :)


  1. youre beautiful, meagan. im so proud of you for posting these

  2. hey meg! its natalia, i dont have a blog but i have an account so i can make comments for you lovely women.
    just wanted to say i love what you write, i'm glad you're motivated to stay strong and healthier (healthy as in healthy not fat of course haha typical folly reassurance) and back at school. don't worry you'll be back at usc no time just try and relax a bit and plan on fun stuff for next year.
    you're beautiful- remember that.
    and i love you!

  3. Wonderful photos!!

    Thank you so much for your comment on my blog!!

  4. love stoneyfield farms blueberry :)
    great photos!
